Hannibal history: Dr Duponco’s Golden Periodical Pills 1859
Hannibal Daily Messenger, April 29, 1859
Note: I spend so much time poking around on historic newspaper sites that I find the most interesting little tidbits. I save because I might need them sometime. I guess I am a "historic tidbit hoarder." Anyway, here's something I found of Interest. Mary Lou
Dr Duponco’s Golden Periodical Pills, for Females are infallible for removing stoppages or irregularities of the Menses.
The Pills are nothing new, but have been used by the Doctor in his practice for many years, both in France and America, with unparalled success in every case; and he is urged by many thousand ladies who have used them, to make the pills public, for the alleviation of those suffering from any irregularities whatever, preventative to ladies whose health will not permit an increase of family.
Pregnant females, or those supposing themselves so, are cautioned against using pills while in that condition, as the proprieter assumes no responsibility after the above admonition, although their mildness would prevent any injury to health; otherwise these pills are recommended. Directions accompany each box. Price $1.
N.B. Ask for Duponco’s Golden Pills. See signature on every box. You then obtain a pill you may depend upon.
Ladies by enclosing one dollar by mail to either of the agents below, can have the pills sent (confidentially) to any part of the country.
For sale in Hannibal by
L.T. Brittingham & Bro. Bolles, Smith & Co., 124 Lake Street, Chicago, Agents for the North Western states, also dealers in Patent Medicines generally.