Affray at a house of ill fame: Bit her ear off
Note: I happened across this tidbit in the Jan. 12, 1859 Hannibal Daily Messenger, accessed through the Missouri Secretary of State's searchable website. - Mary Lou
Bit her ear off (1859)
Jan. 12, 1859
Hannibal daily messenger
Bit her ear off – row occurred yesterday morning, at a house of ill-fame, on Market street. The proprietress of the “Bunkerhill House,” was intoxicated, and went over to a similar establishment on Market street, and demanded admittance. As soon as the door was opened, she planted her fist in the face of the woman who appeared on the threshold, and then, catching her in her arms, actually bit her ear off. “Can such things be,” in a civilized community, and go unpunished. The officers were on hand after it was over, but could not find any of the depredators.