Is this a toll house? (No, not toll house as in cookies!)
This weekend I pinpointed this property, at 3626 Market St., Hannibal, Mo., as the site for the first toll house for the Hannibal, Hannibal, Ralls County & Paris Plank-Road Company
in 1852. The one-acre plot on the north side of what is now Market Street was aquired from the southeast quarter section of Section 36, Township 57, Range 5W.
This was the southeasten point of 160 acres acquired by my great-something aunt's husband in 1861. He acquired the land from Tilden Selmes and Jonathan Gore, who had the land subdivided and named "Tilden."
I know I've lost most sane readers already with this intriguing and stimulating information, but here's the question I want to ask: Is this the toll house? Could this house possibly date back to the 1850s?