Stowell School standouts of 1933

This photo iof the 1933 class of Stowell School in Hannibal s a valued piece of Steve Chou's amazing photo and historical document collection. I've spent most of the evening browsing through his photos, trying to piece together elements of Hannibal's history. I've devoted my adult life to to studying history, but his collection reminds me how much more there is to learn. Top row, from left, Dorothy Cox, Jennie Moeder, Richard Stombaugh, Margaret Richardson, Irene Agnew, Catherine Long, Elmer Smith, Ruth Vossen, Catherine Briggs. Second row from the top, Willa Mae Houser, Robert Smith, Alta Agnew, Susie Pierce, Harol Wilson, Thelma Yohn. Third row from the top, Jessie Moeder, Richard Smith, Willene Schultz, Pansy Burns, Joseph Smith, Bernice Hemmer. Bottom row, Hazel Scandon, Robert Hull, Marjorie McAfee, Harold Fletcher, Mary Simms, Cleatis Johnson, Doris Miller, Ernest Quinlin and Edna Elluson.