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Meet former Hannibal area nurseryman

Meet Simon F. Taft, who operated the North Missouri Nursery near Hannibal in in 1874. The Sept. 30, 1874 edition of the Hannibal Daily Clipper carried an advertisement, making note that Mr. Taft had for sale, “20,000 apple trees, 10,000 peach trees, 20,000 Kitatiny blackberry vines, together with a general nursery stock, all of which will be sold on fair terms, wholesale or retail.”

Mr. Taft was a born in New York. As of July 1, 1863, when he registered for service during the Civil War, he was 27 years old. He was married, and a native of New York. Served with the Union army, 3rd Regiment Missouri Cavalry, Company K.

He was born in 1833, as was his wife, Mary. In the 1870 Census, Mr. and Mrs. Taft’s family consisted of one son, Edward, and they made their home in Clay Township, Ralls County, Mo. The nearest post office was at Hydesburg.

By 1880, the family had moved to Salt Creek, Reno, Kansas, where Mr. Taft worked as a farmer and horticulturist.

He died Sept. 13, 1894, age 61, and is buried at Hutchinson, Reno County, Kansas.

The photo of Mr. Taft was obtained from, and is republished with permission.

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