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Elementary class

Jack Kretzer of Yuma, Ariz., shared this photo of his second or third grade class at Mark Twain School in Hannibal, Mo. He said that Mrs. Smarr was this teacher in second grade. He identified the following students: First row, from left, unknown, Don Cattle, Ben Ely, Donna Donaldson, Bill Price, Jim Featherstone and Jack Fryling. Second row, Harry, unknown, unknown, Elsie Marie Couch, unknown, Patty Jones, Billie Mae Platt, unknown, Marjorie White. Row three, unknown, Jim Cordry, unknown, Bob Sims, unknown, Skip Tilleuist, Pug Martin, Nancy Richman and Dwayne Schwada. Row four, unknown, Jack Kretzer, Carolyn Poole, Sally Driscoll and Shirley Darnell. To add names or offer corrections, or to contribute more information, click here.

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