Where aged Masons receive care
This is an undated clipping from the Hannibal Courier-Post, which sheds some valuable information regarding the operation of the former

Masonic home in Hannibal.
One of the points of interest in Hannibal is the Masonic home, where members of the Masonic family are cared for in their declining years. The 14-room brick home is situated on U.S. highway No. 61, just outside of Hannibal. W.M. McDaniel has been superintendent of the home for 20 years and his wife, Mrs. Alva McDaniel is matron. Before going to the Masonic home, they lived in Mexico, Mo. The home is operated by the Prince Hall Masons Masonic grand lodge of Missouri and jurisdiction, which Dr. G.B. Key of St. Louis is the grand master. Large photographs of Dr. Key and of previous grand masters and officers of the Grand Court of Heroines of Jericho and Order of the Eastern Star are placed on the walls of the living room of the home. Seven aged members of the Masonic family, four men and three women, now live in the home. McDaniel raises chickens and a garden. Mrs. McDaniel cares for the members of the household, takes care of the home, and in the summer months cans large quantities of fruits and vegetables.