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1843 Hannibal-area storm one for the record books

Storm Clouds

The Boston Post carried a report of a storm to the west of Hannibal in 1843. I know there are those today who can relate to this force of nature.

A Terrific Storm in Missouri. – The Hannibal, Missouri Journal contains an account of a destructive storm of rain and hail which visited that neighborhood on the 29th ult. Some of the hailstones measured more than 5 inches in circumference. The rain fell in torrents, or rather in a complete waterspout, deluging the land, tearing up the earth and destroying the crops. The fury of the storm was spent upon a tract of land nine miles from Hannibal, at the intersection of the roads leading to Shelbyville, and from Palmyra to New London. There it assumed the appearance of a tornado, and, for the space of a mile in length up and twisting off the trees, and destroy everything with fearful power and violence. Those who have visited the spot say that language is inadequate to convey an idea of the destruction it produced. The trees look as though scorched by fire, so completely are they (stripped) of foliage.


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