1896 Hannibal fire chief
Del Anderson of Odgen, Utah, shared a copy of the certificate naming G.A. Ayres chief of the Hannibal Fire Department, date: June 1, 1896.
The text of the certificate follows:
The City of Hannibal, Mo.
To all t Whom these Presents Shall Come --- GREETING:
Know Ye, That at a meeting of the City Council of the City of Hannibal, Mo., held on the 1st day of June 1896, G.A. Ayres was duly elected to fill the office Chief of Fire Department for the said City and has duly qualified according to law.
Therefore, I J.J. McDonald, Mayor of the City of Hannibal, Mo., in the name and by the authority of the citizens of said City, do hereby commission him the said G.A. Ayres Chief of Fire Department for the City of Hannibal, Mo., and do authorize, empower and require him to execute and fulfill the duties of that office, according to law.
To have and to hold the said office, with all the rights, authorities, privileges and emoluments thereto legally appertaining, for the term of one year, and until his successor has been duly elected, quallified and commissioned.
In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand, and caused to be affixed the seal of the City of Hannibal. Done at Hannibal, Mo., on this 29th day of June A.D. 1896.
Attest: J.J. McDonald, Mayor