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Sidewalk signifies path to old Masonic Home

I stopped by Poage Chevrolet Buick today to talk about the old Masonic Home that once occupied the site when the dealership is now located.

Chuck Huston offered me a little snipped of information: A portion of the sidewalk that once lead to the old home is still in place.

Near the entrance to the business, located at the intersection of U.S. 61 and Paris Gravel Road, there is a level spot between the driveway and the display lot. They park one or two vehicles on this spot to give them a visual vantage point from the busy intersection.

On Thursday, June 25, a white pickup was parked in this spot. And just as Chuck said, there were a couple of sidewalk squares just beneath the truck.

Such details are often overlooked, but to me, this little landmark is golden. A monument to what used to be, so to speak

Thanks, Chuck, for helping me find another piece of the research puzzle.

To read more about this historic structure, click here:

Poage sidewalk.jpg

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