1853: 'Little Willie' Moffett followed his older sister, Mary Anna, to the grave
Share with me the saddest story, found in the June 9, 1853, edition of the Missouri Courier, Hannibal, Mo. - Mary Lou Montgomery

1853 Died William Anderson Moffett
Missouri Courier, Hannibal, June 9, 1853, genealogybank.com
On the 6th instant, in Monroe County, near Florida, William Anderson, infant son of Erasmus M. and Sarah M. Moffett, of this city.
From the Daily Journal of the 7th
“Little Willie” was taken sick on Sunday morning, last, and last night passed away to a home where there is no sickness or sorrow.
His elder sister, Mary, (Mary Anna, age 4 years 11 months) went first – last Wednesday week. Thus, within two weeks, the fond, doting parents have become childless.
“The blossom which withered here upon its stalk, has been transplanted there to a place of endurance; and it will then gladden the eye which now weeps out of the agony of affection that has been sorely wounded; and in the name of Him who if on earth would have wept with them, do we bid all believers present to sorrow not ever as others who have no hope, but to take comfort in the thought of that country where there is o sorrow and no separation.
And when a mother meets on high
The babe she lost in infancy,
Hath she not then for pains and fear –
The days of woe, the watchful night –
For all her sorrow, all her fear –
An ever payment of delight.”
Dr. Chalmers