What stories a picture can tell
Photo date: 1948 As my regular history blog followers already know, I love to study a picture to see what stories it tells. This photo,...
1949, Ed O'Neill: A two-finger typer
Long-time Hannibal Courier-Post sports editor Ed O'Neill is photographed by co-worker Otis Howell in 1949 at the newspaper office, which...
An addendum to the Hannibal, Mo., Congregational Church's colorful history
The Hannibal Congregational church committee, under financial duress, had locked the doors to the magnificent church structure at Lyon...
Former HC-P staff has fond memories of award-winner photographer Otis Howell
Steve Holland of Iowa City, Iowa, who served as the Hannibal Courier-Post sports editor during 1974 and 1975, has fond memories of...
Otis Howell's pictures helped define childhood in Hannibal
After reading of the Missouri Press Association photography awards that Otis Howell won as Courier-Post photographer in 1961, Ginger...
Otis Howell won top MPA photography awards in 1961
Otis Howell, photographer for the Hannibal Courier-Post, won high honors in the Missouri Press Association’s 1961 Better Newspaper...
From steamboat and early railroad days, undertaking legacy continues
Smith Funeral Home on Broadway, Hannibal, 1953. The home was located directly to the east of the Marion County Courthouse at Hannibal....
Standard Oil filling station made way for Courier-Post parking lot
The Courier-Post moved into the building at Center and Third streets, downtown Hannibal, in 1952. Otis Howell, newspaper photographer,...
1949 bride
Delorise Vark became the bride of Otis F. Howell on Feb. 13, 1949, at St. John's Lutheran Church in Hannibal. The bride is the daughter...
1963 Boy Scout training
First aid training - Members of Boy Scout Troop 117, sponsored by the Kings Men Class of Broadway Methodist Church have been receiving...